Collection: Combed Top - 100% Cormo

100%  Cormo Combed Top 

3.5 oz / 100g

Milled in the U.K. 

ABOUT: The Cormo sheep breed was developed in Tasmania, Australia by breeding superfine Saxon Merino ewes with Corriedale rams. The name Cormo was created as a contraction of Corriedale and Merino. 

Cormo fleeces are very consistent with micron count ranging between 17 to 23 microns. It has well-defined crimp which gives excellent elasticity and fluffiness. This combined with a staple length of 3 1/4 - 5 inches makes it a wonderful handspinning fiber. 

Cormo will felt moderately well. 

Staple Length: ~ 3 1/4 - 5 inches

Micron: 17 - 23 

Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius,  The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook (Massachusetts: Storey Publishing, 2011)248-249.